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interior design




good interior design is an outward expression of who we are on the inside. my job is to help make your freak flag fly.



.long beach: an unexpected property redesign

.silverlake: a whole home renovation

.more designs ARGH coming, soon.

.london: styling 45 separate homes for sale

Pete & Zivile's Bedroom
Christine & Nick's Diner
James & Sarah's Lounge
Keith & Karen's Bedroom
John & Tonette's Bathroom
Michelle & Laura's Bedroom
Rob & Nikala's Dining Room
Geraldine & Noel's Lounge
Jo & Jo's Office
Barry & Phil's Lounge
Geraldine & Noel's Kitchen
LouAnne & Andy's Lounge_Diner
James & Sarah's Kitchen
Barbara & Ray's Bedroom
John & Tonette's Lounge
Jo & Jo's Bedroom
Christine & Nick's Stairwell
Dianne & Sarah's Dining Room
Allison & Ellie Bedroom
Keith & Lynne's Boudoir
Laura & Steve's LIving Room
Laura & Steve's Bedroom
Pete & Zivile's Living Room
Rob & Nikala's Lounge
David & Helen's Dining Room
John & Becky's Study



.tv promo

Watch as her creativity - on a very tight budget - transforms properties in order to tempt buyers. - TV CHOICE


.happiness is what they say about you when you haven't asked

"You're also a mega-designer--a creative lightning bolt of imagination and whimsy. When it comes to making something out of next to nothing, your talents can't be labeled. You're one-of-a-kind."


"Um.  You’re a genius. I can’t believe how gorgeous and intelligent and original it all is!!!"


"You are incredibly creative, organized, focused and driven to achieve 150% at all times.  I loved our brainstorming sessions and you made the process of fun.  When I thought I had reached my limit you gave me a burst of me energy.  From the big decisions and choices to the littlest detail, Tracy you out did what was possible.  And, we are still married. What else could we ask for?"


"This house has too much clutter. I don't want any nick-nack shit for Christmas this year. I'm very 'Tracy Metro' these days."


"Equal parts sassy and knowledgeable. Such a gay icon."



Top LA Designer, new start of House Doctor, and one of the most excitable designers ever. Tracy Metro shares her secrets to snap up any home. 

Sunday Mirror Notebook


There’s a new sheriff in town that’s been here all along.  Finally getting her time in the spotlight.  Rosie the Riveter is back, but has blonde curly hair this time.



If you haven't seen Metro work her magic then definitely check out her new show... for more staging tips.

The House Shop



What are Tracy Metro Designs' hourly rates?  Design = $300 / hr; Administrative & Support  = $100 / hr. 


What can I expect to pay when Tracy designs my home/room/office/outhouse?  This is a tricky question as there are many factors to consider such as: How much is budgeted to furnish/renovate the space?  Will there be custom pieces that need to be drafted?  Who will oversee the installation process?  The good news is, Tracy works within any budget (even really tight ones!) and has never gone over.    


How much of a deposit do I have to put down?  $10,000. That’s it!


Does Tracy have a minimum? For your hard-earned $10,000 you'll get 33 hrs of excellent design work (and, she'll likely throw in a few extra hours, too, because she's good like that!).  It may sound like a lot of both money AND time, but if it were fast and easy, you'd do it yourself!  FYI this is not a package... your project may (or more than likely may NOT!) be finished within these 33 hours. It all depends on how much there is to do, product availability vs deadline (both things that are outsides of Tracy's hands), how many times products need to be re-sourced due to indecision -- indecision is expensive. Tracy doesn't mind reshopping (that's what she's there for!), but it comes at a price of hours. To save money, don't use her as your assistant as that'll eat up a bunch of valuable (AKA expensive) time.


But WHY does she have a minimum? What if I only need her for 1 measly hour?  Tracy believes that it's not always about the individual decisions, but rather how everything work in concert across the entire project.  Jetting in, selecting a few things without giving thought to scale, placement, material, etc is a recipe for disaster.  At the end of the project, if it doesn't look brilliant, neither one of you will be pleased and her name will be sullied. And really... her name is all she has (besides her curly hair).


Really? Think about it, if you're redoing a kitchen what decisions/selections need to be made? Backsplash tiles, flooring, lighting, fixtures, hardware, etc. If you're redoing a bathroom what decisions/selections need to be made? Flooring, shower tiling, potential tub selection, shower/tub enclosure, lighting, cabinetry, sinks, hardware, etc. If you're redoing a whole home what decisions/selections need to be made (no matter the size home)? Exterior lighting fixtures, interior recessed lighting sizes/layout, dining pendant/sconce/chandelier lighting, built-ins design, paint, wallpaper, interior and exterior doors, space layout for furniture, etc. It can be overwhelming for sure and that's precisely WHY you hire Tracy Metro. She's been there & done that... a LOT! If it was easy, you'd do it yourself.

Is this all kosher?  Um. Yeah. Tracy and you will sign a contract so that everybody is on the same page and there are no surprises.


So I'm having a major life change... OK, I said it! I'm getting divorced. What now? This is not Tracy's first rodeo (she's helped some pretty fancy schmancy Hollywood types thru the process!). She's provided the below services to others in similar situations where sensitivity and discretions is of the utmost importance:


  • Design/redesign/decorating of rooms and whole homes.

  • Project management of a crew from Tracy or your Rolodex.

  • Transfer of property and setting up shop handling everything from clothing getting in closets on matching hangers to sofas getting recovered with lovely fabric... and everything in between. The goal is always to make the transition as seamless as possible -- so you leave for work in the morning from one home and return that evening to a new home with your toothbrush in the drawer ... and warm cookies on the counter!


Transitions can be hard. Tracy strives to make it a wee bit easier. 


What does Tracy charge for mileage?  There’s no charge for mileage, or the first 15 minutes of drive time to a store/vendor/client's project. When shopping for you, Tracy clocks in when she gets out of her car and clocks out when she gets back in.


How do I communicate with Tracy?  Phone, email, snail mail, smoke signals and through Tracy's online design studio to which you will be invited.  Texting for quick responses, only.  It's challenging to make true design decisions via text. #justsayin  Calls are logged in 15 minute increments.  Quick answers via phone or text are freebies and not billed! Tracy Metro Designs works typical business hours 8am-7pm, Monday - Friday. Monday, Wednesday and Friday are devoted to site and showroom visits. Tuesday and Thrusday are devoted to product order and general project administration. Oftentimes, there is a need to work or meet on the weekends and/or evenings; this is the exception and not the norm. Therefore, communication after hours will be responded to during office hours. Text communication is fine for scheduling arrangements and quick answers; however, design decisions are not to be communicated via text as it's too difficult to track and clarify specifics. Mistakes will be made and nobody wants mistakes. Please email anything of true importance.


Will I always work with Tracy herself? Yes... and... Tracy Metro Designs is a full-service firm with a team. Therefore, you will work with various team members responsible for things such as billing and others responsible for tasks such as order tracking and fulfillment. Rest assured, Tracy has hand picked her team member and is in constant contact with them so you are not left to the wolves. Team work makes the dream (AKA design) work!


How often does Tracy invoice?  Monthly. It arrives to you by around the 15th (when active work is being done).

How quickly do I have to pay Tracy?  Due upon receipt.

Do I get anything if I refer a paying client to Tracy?  Why yes, yes you do!  You get one-hour of free service!


What kinds of services does Tracy provide?  As a hands-on television host/designer on networks such as Netflix & Channel 5 UK (she has her own show called House Doctor!), OWN, Hallmark, HGTV, NBC, etc Tracy offers a variety of services.  She is most often hired for residential interior design work (living rooms, dining rooms, kitchens, bedrooms, bathrooms, outdoor living rooms, etc); however, she has designed industrial offices, call centers, warehouses and even a houseboat!  If it needs to get prettied up, Tracy’s your gal! She even works via Skype/WhatsApp/FaceTime and does virtual designing...  


How will Tracy know my taste?  Outstanding question given that modern, industrial-chic, eclectic, French country, etc all mean different things to different people!  With the advent of Pinterest, all of our problems have been solved!  Tracy requests that you create a Pinterest board or Houzz Ideabook for each space you would like designed.  This way, she can get a sense of the styles and colors to which you gravitate.  These boards/books will make sure that both of you are on the SAME page so your dreams can be brought to life. Alternatively, click the cute Polaroid camera icon to get your juices flowing with loads of design possibilities captured on mood boards! FYI Tracy did NOT design these rooms. They're fodder.


How will I approve Tracy’s ideas?  A dossier of ideas... a mood board if you will... will be presented to you for approval before even one thing is purchased, ordered or built.  You and Tracy will go over the dossier either in person or over the phone to determine which elements stay and which get kicked to the curb.  While Tracy will come up with many of the ideas, it’s as much of collaboration as you’d like it to be.  If you find a couch that you love, by all means send a pix of it to Tracy for her thoughts.  She has no ego when it comes to “who found what!” Regardless of who comes up with what ideas, you will always have the final say… it’s YOUR home/room/office.  She’s just helping express on the outside (through furniture, paint, art, rugs, bric-a-brac, etc.) who you are on the inside.


Who physically picks up all of the goodies?  You have options!  Tracy has answers.  You can either use Tracy exclusively for her ideas and you do all of the grunt work…OR Tracy can create online shopping carts (when possible) and she'll facilitate payment for the items and have them sent to your home… and she will handle all of the menial labor. 


Does Tracy sign vendor contracts?  Tracy prefers her clients to put their John Hancock on any contracts, but she will tee up everything so all you have to do is sign on the dotted line.


Do you share your designer discounts?  Whenever possible, yes!  Tracy passes on her designer's discounts to her clients!  Depending on the product, service, vendor, etc., this can result in $1000s in savings, over the course of a project!  Please keep in mind, however, these discounts are given by vendors, to professional designers and not generally given to end users (clients).  This is because vendors value the knowledge and experience professional designers have, which makes the transactions go much smoother (thus the discount).  Please do not expect to go directly to a Tracy Metro vendor and use Tracy's discount, without her knowledge. This can upset vendors (they have to spend more time, yet make less money) and this can put Tracy's reputation with her vendors, at risk. Also keep in mind, these discounts aren't always available, and can't always be shared.  But Tracy will try!  

Do you charge a designers' mark up on products and services?  Whenever possible, no!  Tracy has deep relationships with most of vendors she uses and this helps all projects run smoothly and minimizes any surprises.  However, in SOME situations with SOME vendors and SOME products/services, there will be a designer mark up added to the quote (when there is, it's generally 5% - 20%).  If/when you see a designer markup on a quote, please know there is no obligation for you to select that particular product or service.  However, when you do see a markup on a quote, its likely because many HOURS of design work (at $300/hr) have been avoided... therefore the overall cost of the product/service is actually less!  Tracy Metro for President!  Again, if/when there is a mark up, you will see it ahead of time, itemized on the quote so you can make an informed decision.  


But, what happens if I live in another city, state, country, continent than Tracy?  She's glad you asked!  Tracy works remotely, too, via FaceTime/Skype design sessions.  Before the live walk-thru, just send over some snaps so she can have her brain firing on all cylinders for the session.


You’ll actually have options about how to work remotely with Tracy:


1. During the chat, she can share ideas for you to implement.  She'll basically spew creative ideas that you’ll handle post chat.


2. After the chat, Tracy can create layouts in terms of where furniture should go and provide moodboards with paint and wallpaper selections, links to furniture and accessories, etc.  You will be able to handle procuring and implementing all of those elements on your own.


3. Post session, she can make a trip out to see you (hello you!).  Together, you two can source everything in a quick trip to some stores/order ahead online (and when possible enjoy Tracy's designer discount of 5% - 20% ) and ya'll can do the installation together!  Voila a Tracy Metro makeover!


How much does this remote design business cost?

Tracy offers a 3 hour block (which can be broken down into 2 different sessions, or the leftover time can be put towards layouts and links). $900





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